Health and Safety

The health and Safety at work Act (1974)

Fire Safety 
In Middlesbrough collage We have a alarm and a alert, the alarm is to evacuate the collage while the alert means they maybe a fire but not in your area.
While the alarm is ringing people will evacuate the premises ,through the designated fire exits. Elevators will not be in use except for emergency access points for the disabled.

First aid 
All incident need to be reported no matter how insignificant you may think it is, even paper cuts.
If a problem arises you should ask or get a member of staff that has first aid training. this could be the teaching assistant or someone 

Computer misuse act (1990)
The computer misuse act is a peace of legislation put in place to protect people/companies on the internet from these major problems and attacks, such as personal identity,  health records but mostly finalities records.

What confidential information is kept on computers?
Your, personal information is kept on computers. such as; Emails, passwords, banking details and IP address. Other information can be else were, for example car licensing and health records can be used to black mail you and or use your health/claim on your insurance.
screen display act 
the screen display act allows people to take regular breaks, around one five minuet break every hour. 
This is because the computer monitors flicker at a high rate, prolonged use could lead to headaches, eye sores, and in a worse case scenario seizures.   

Food and drinks are  not computers allowed near computers, this is to ensure the equipment doesn't get damaged .
Copyright and Patents Act
the copyright, Designs and Patents Act was put emplace in 1988 and is there to protect intellectual properties (IP) and ensures authors and curated  get
credit and compaction.


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