Research into other blogs showing different types of multimedia and interactivity

The three main uses of blogs. 

1. News/Tabloid
Argue-ably one of the most common form of blog are news blogs. There job is to inform us on daily events and tend to have pictures, video, text, audio and a boat load of  Images. This offers a grate amount of interactivity.

this blog was written in hdml but other software could of been used
the interactivity of this blog, hyperlink;- to direct to another sauce or a picture and mouse click:- left click to bring up an option menu.  

2. Entertainment media.
second to news blogs are ones about games, music and tv/cinema and can be connected to news blogs as many show updates and upcoming releases, but the majority have links to download certain games and top 10 list of there favourite games or games they are looking forward to. Some might have links to gameplay videos.

this blog was written in hdml but other software could of been used. 
this blog has headers that take you to different pages for extra information.

3. Promotion and advertising. 

Blogs might not always be for enjoyment and information, some are to promote and advertise a up coming product, food or movie. these blogs will have links to trailers or reviews of the product just to entice you to buy there product.

this blog was written in hdml but other software could of been used.
 this blog has imbedded videos in it that takes you to YouTube.

The purpose of my blog I to publish my work on interactive media.


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